Ok so I've had my iPhone 16gb for like a month and now they are telling me I have to buy a new one in 3 months?

No of course I don't have to, but I do have to, it's what I do.

So here's the score, a high level VP at a big company who work with apple has confirmed that the next iPhone, believed to be marketed as the 'iPhone Pro' will be available to purchase in June. I'm all on board with the name by the way, it's just got a better ring to it than iPhone 2, which people would confuse with the v.2.0 firmware (Also be released in June)

The new iPhone, according to our mystery source, will incorporate a 3G chip for faster Internet browsing and hopefully video calling. Apparently a second camera will be hidden behind the glass in the top right of the phone. Apple originally said that 3G would drain the battery so either they have developed a low-power one or increased the efficiency of the battery (there's no way they'll release the iPhone pro with a lower usage time than the current model, which I will henceforth refer to as the iPhone Classic.)

Mock-up of what GPS might look like on the iPhone Pro

Fans have been asking for 3G (along with a list of other features as long as Magic Johnson's arm) ever since the iPhone Classic was released , apple are famous for listening to consumers and that they have done. As if 3G wasn't enough Apple is in contract negotiations with Global Locate to provide the GPS chipset. They specializes in low power assisted GPS that is ideally suited for mobiles.

While this is of course great news for everyone, the 17months left on my contract hurt just a little!


2 Responses to “Apple kiss me and kick me in the nuts at the same time”

  1. Ellis

    Hey look I was kinda right

  2. treeblog

    Cigars all round!

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